Gift of the Magi
In ancient times fragrant, healing oils and resins were worth their weight in gold. High priests purified temples, burned precious incense to please God and anointed Kings with these sacred oils. Had the Magi rode their camels to the Sonora Desert they would have returned with Native American jojoba oil to blend with their fine perfumes, frankincense and Myrrh. Unfortunately, this ancient jojoba forest is being rapidly devoured along with one of the most amazing natural medicines on Earth.
Today cultivated jojoba oil is worshiped in the high-end perfume and cosmetic industry. It won’t break down with heat or turn rancid with time. It’s tasteless, odorless and blends into the hair and skin like a dream. Jojoba oil is really a wax that is botanically identical to sebum (the waxy lubricant of the human sebaceous gland)
Commercially cultivated jojoba oil is expensive and many jojoba products contain only enough cultivated oil to satisfy the legal advertising requirements. We have not found any hair or skin products that advertise pure, uncultivated, unfiltered, hand-pressed jojoba oil from the wild jojoba plant’s natural habitat.
The Troutt family has lived in the foothills of the Superstition Mountain Wilderness of Arizona for over 40 years. We live in one of the hottest, driest, and most rugged deserts on earth. This creates an appreciation for the healing value of essential oils on our hair and skin. The Troutt family’s skin, hair and home have been the laboratory for our finest natural concoctions.
The amount of care that we put into making sure this oil is pristinely natural is a labor of love. Wild jojoba beans ripen in the hottest part of the summer in the Sonora Desert. It takes about 10 hours to hand pick and clean enough jojoba beans to press a gallon of oil. It takes about 12 hours to make a gallon of jojoba oil with our hand operated oil press.
We feel our wild and rare oils and soaps are better than anything money can buy today and worthy of our family and friends use. We have a limited amount of wild jojoba beans to make a little more than enough oil for our family and friends needs this season. If you are interested in acquiring some of this pure and precious jojoba oil for yourself or someone you care about let us know.
This oil will be pure and fresh pressed from this season’s 2013 wild jojoba bean harvest. It will come directly from our family in one ounce Cobalt Blue Medicine Bottles with glass eye droppers. $20.00 plus priority shipping. Ask about free shipping with 4 bottles or more or a combination of oil and bars of soap.